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Sabbat Soaps.
rosette pillar leftmarginI am a High Priestess of the ancient Horsa-Epona lineage. We celebrate the wheel of the year and the turning of the seasons with eight Sabbats, or festival days that fall on the solstices, the equinioxes and half way in between those. It is traditional to have a special ritual bath before any spellworking, and especially before the Sabbat celebration.

So it is that I embarked on a very ambitous project, to make a set of eight soaps, one for every sabbat, and made with the colours, herbs and ingredients that are sacred to that Sabbat. Even more challenging, I decided to make the set as a circle with pie shaped wedges of soap like a cheese wheel. The resulting wheel is 6" in diameter and 1" thick, pictured below.

Sabbat Soap wheel of the Year.

The soaps, and this page are still under construction. Eventually I will make a page for each soap with the process and ingredients, and how each was chosen for the sabbat it is named for. For now, you just get to see the soap and the labels I designed.


    Yule SoapYule Soap bar
    Imbolc Soap.Imbolc soap
    Ostara Soap.Ostara soap bar.
    Beltaine label not done yet.  Beltaine Soap.
    Midsummer (Litha) soap label.Midsummer (Litha) soap bar.
    Lughnasah Soap.Lughnasah Soap bar
    Mabon soap.mabon Soap Bar.
    Samhain Soap.Samhain Soap Bar.

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Mystress Serpent's Amazing karma cleaning snake oil miracle soap
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All soaps handmade by the Fire Serpent Soap Company.
   Page design, all images and content copyright Mystress Angelique Serpent
   This page is located at http://www.fire-serpent.org/soap/sabbatsoaps.html