|  | These are the most useful pages on the web, for new soap makers.
The rest are in alpabetical order. Someday I might get around to sorting them. in the meantime I've added some symbols to indicate stuff:
Angelfire or geocities site, may be popup hell.
At the bottom are some non soaping websites.
Abigail's Country Craft Soap Making
Simple Tallow Soap
Soaps and Soap Making Theme Page
- About Australia Shop Sard Wonder Stick 100g
- AHA Formulating
- All About Soap
- Annatto seed ground, 16 oz. Camden-Grey Essential Oils
- Apothecary_Essential Oils Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
- AquaSapone - Marina's version of discounted water cold process soap (DWCP)
- Aromatherapy and Natural Soap Making Supplies from Aquarius Aromatherapy and Soap
- Aromatherapy Products P Glycerin Soaps White_Feather_Aroma_Therapy.Com
- Basic Hot Process Soap Teach Soap
- Chakra Soap Molds
- CHEMINFO Sodium hydroxide solutions
- Cosmetic Ingredients Reference Guide & Dictionary - Understanding labels, descriptions, warnings, and safety.
- Cosmetic Regulations
- Cosmetic-Grade Colorants The Pigment Lady
- -CRAFTS-soapmaking-msg.text
- Culinart, Inc. - make your own silicone rubber molds
- Drierite Desiccants
- Ellen's Essentials micas
- Epilepsy Handmade All Natural Soaps Help Epileptics
- Flower Wax from Alchemy Works
- For Crafts Sake - Wood Crates - Displays - Soap Molds - Soap Cutters
- Gaily Rebecca press - Guest Browse
- General Health Articles Hygiene Coming Clean The Truth About Soap
- Glycerin Soap Recipes
- Handcrafted Soap Net
- paul_norman_3-soapmake.htm
- http--www.aquariusaroma-soap.com-
- http--www.florilegium.org-files-CRAFTS-soapmaking-msg.text
- Soapnuts: INCI
- Savon Naturel index
- Instructions for Clear Glycerin Soap
- King's American Dispensatory, 1898 Olea
- Laundry Recipes
- layering soap
- Lye to Fat Ratio Table
- Micas, Micas, Micas--Almost Heaven Candle & Soap Stuff
- MMS - Lye Calculator
- MMS - Measure Conversions
- Chaseco: Mold Shapes
- Essence Supply: Molds and Cutters
- Muller Lane Farm ~ Making Cold Process Soaps
- Natural Skin Care and Soap Making Supplies - Skincare Naturals
- Noah's Ark Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils
- Noah's Ark Simple Soapmaking
- Processing Emu Oil
- Rainforest Soaps - Natural Homemade Soaps
- soapcrafters.com
- Simple Tallow Soap
- essencesupply.com: Slab mold
- Soap Bar Trimmer - Slicer - Planer
- Soap Candle Craft
- Soap Cutters
- Making tallow
- Soapcraft
- SoapMaker - the Ultimate Software Tool for home-based soap makers
- Soapmaking free soap recipes & directions.
- Soapmaking101 - Ask Carol
- Soapmaking101 - CPHP Soapmaking
- Soapmaking101 - Impossible Goats Milk Soap
- Soaps and Soap Making Theme Page
- Suds and Scents Natural soapmaking supplies
- Tell Me about Volume and Surface Area
- The All-Natural Prank Eating All-Natural Soap, Cat Food, Deodorant, and Aphrodisiacs
- The Soap Dish View topic - Crock Pot Instructions
- The Soap Dish View topic - Properties of Ingredients - LONG LIST - UPDATED!!
- The Soap Factory - Colonial Soap Making. Its History and Techniques
- The Soap Saloon
- Toiletries - Soap recipes
- USPS International Calculator - Mail Services
- USPS International Calculator
- Voyageur Soap & Candle Company
- Voyageur Soap & Candle Online Store
- Waxes and Butters - Hand Made Soap and Skin Care Supplies
- Well Naturally Products
- Wellington Fragrance
- Wholesale Gift Baskets - DollarDays
- WSP dragon mold
- WSP Product Details
- Ye Olde Soap Shoppe Lye Calculator
 Some non soapy links you may find to be of interest. -
Earth Molding, Sand Molding, Decorative Concrete, Bonding Stone, Cast Sculpture
- google.ca/
- kundalini-gateway.org/
- kundalini-teacher.com/
- The World Clock
XE.com - Universal Currency Converter Results
- Fire Serpent Tantra
- http://www.affordablehost.com/
- domin8rex.com sitemap
- http://www.mapquest.ca/
- The Power of NOW
Conscious Water Power of Prayer Made Visible
Banned Books On-Line
Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein
Quantum Mechanics Interpretations, Nietzsche,.
Real Estate in Gulf Islands BC Canada
Robert Anton Wilson Thought for the Month
The Biological Basic of Sacred Sex
- Viking, Remote Viewing, Social Psychotherapy, UFOs and Crop Circles.
Viktor Frankl - Holocaust Survivor and Famous Author-Psychoanalyst
Welcome to Doors of Perception
Wild Mind Home Page
Serpent Fire Kundalini and Spiritual Crisis by SilverDrake
Snake of Wisdom
Stretching and Flexibility - Table of Contents
Student Discussion with Eva Reich and Bill Moise 1975 by J. Ogg
Paradigm Shift - Robert Anton Wilson
Quotable Heinlein
Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda Table of Contents
The Osho
The Tatmeister's Tatting Pages
#1 Natural Mystic Is Patriarchy Our Natural Religion
Osho A No-thought Meditation

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